When people ask me how long it will take to get into optimal shape,
My answer surprises and discourages them...
"Usually, about 2-3 years."
We're conditioned by the bombardment of marketing that getting what we want is fast, easy, and convenient.
In reality, attaining mastery at anything doesn't work that way.
Can you imagine asking your potential heart surgeon to share their background, and they say,
"My education, training, and experience have been fast, easy, and convenient."
You would run the other way!
Achievers pay a tremendous price for their success.
There isn't a shortcut to high performance.
You get to make the choice in your life...
Pay the price for progress, or bear the cost in regret.
The great Jim Rohn once said,
"Paying the price weighs ounces...but regret weighs tons."
The wise decision is to commit to making the investment in your personal development.
Because the alternative will be mental torture.
Ask yourself,
"Do my habits show I want instant pleasure or delayed gratification?"
If you're ready to break free of the pleasure loop that leads to disappointment,
Decide today to pursue the path to wellness, vitality, and optimism.