People often say to me, "I'm not happy!"
I'll ask them, "What will make you happy?"
They'll answer with, "If only___________" (fill in the blank).
It's as if they're wishing for this evasive mindset.
Here's the truth...
You cannot pursue happiness.
Joyful people realize that true contentment is...
A byproduct of crafting a life of significance and fulfillment.
They forget about chasing happiness.
And turn their attention to creating meaningful moments.
We habitually seek happiness with instant gratification,
Through eating, drinking, entertainment, spending, sex, or travel.
Well-being prospers from being and becoming, not gaining and possessing.
Ask yourself,
"Who are the happiest people I know, and why do I believe they're so happy?"
Your identity reflects who you are, what you're doing, and where you're going.
When you focus on living out your purpose and destiny...
Happiness and gratitude will show up in your life.