Last month, I wrote about how King David's confession in Psalm 51 revealed 3 elements of confession...
*A correct view of sin
*Our proper perspective of God
*The precise outlook of self
Today I want to discuss the correct viewpoint on God.
In verse 6, David wrote,
"You desire truth in the inward parts"
God is interested in the thoughts and motives of your heart.
Verse 7 says,
"Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow"
David recognized God's authority over sin.
He was confident God could remove depravity from his soul.
God will alter your sinful habits if you seek him with all your heart.
And He requires your trust in his power over the forces of evil.
David also acknowledged God's compassion in verse 8,
"Make me hear joy and gladness, that the bones You have broken may rejoice"
David was a shepherd.
Sometimes, he had to break the leg of a wayward lamb to protect them.
David would carry the lamb until the leg healed.
From that point on, the lamb faithfully followed him wherever he went.
Sometimes, the Lord has to fracture your stubborn, limited outlook on your life.
To have you understand the critical importance of trusting Him.
His plans for you are far beyond your wildest dreams.
Peace and courage aren't the absence of fear...
It's God's presence in your life, which is the essence of faith.
Finally, David affirmed God's mercy in verse 9,
"Hide Your face from my sins, and blot out my iniquities"
He knew God had the supremacy and desire to pardon your sin when you show genuine repentance.
It's truly beyond your capacity to comprehend the depth of His love for you.
All you need to do is to be assured of His purpose for your eternal destiny.
*For additional reading, go to
*Need to recalibrate your life? Let’s talk.
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