I love this time of year.
Summer breezes, birds singing, the aroma of freshly cut grass, beautiful flowers,
And…the tennis season is in “full swing”.
The athleticism and grace the elite players exhibit blow me away.
They make it look easy!
What we don’t notice is the tedious, monotonous grind they endure to be successful.
Their regimen of skill development, training, nutrition, and mindset preparation is amazing.
Success is mastering the everyday mundane routines.
A duck glides smoothly in the water…yet no one sees the constant paddling beneath the surface.
We create peak moments of performance from personal sacrifices…
And the dedication to hard work.
Long periods of boring labor groom you for the big moments.
What you do when no one’s looking is eventually revealed for all to watch.
“Commitment is following through on what you said you’d do…
Long after the mood you had when you announced it has gone away”
Self-discipline undergoes testing through habitual practice.
It’s a struggle to stay on track, especially when life gets stale.
As a leader in your family, community, and career,
Become an uplifting CEO…Chief Emotional Officer.
Promise yourself to make life fun, interesting, and exciting.
If you don’t, it will be easy to drift off course quickly from your goals.
Apply passionate engagement in everything you do.
And your vitality that appears effortless will become an inspiration for others to imitate.