Repel Rejection
Have you ever experienced rejection?
We all know it's a part of life.
Refusals from coaches, dates, colleges, jobs, promotions, and memberships.
To overcome rejection, understand that it's a myth.
It's a concept you occupy in your mind.
When denials occur, your situation doesn't get worse.
It simply remains the same.
Circumstances only diminish when you say to yourself...
I knew it would fail!
I'm not worth it!
They were right about me!
This happens all the time!
It's a stupid idea!
Here's the truth...
You won't have anything to lose by asking.
Yet, there's always the possibility of gain.
Remember this,
Some will, some won't, so what, someone's waiting.
You must hang in there long enough to get a yes.
Ever heard of the book, "Chicken Soup For The Soul"?
The authors Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield...
Endured 2 years and 130 rejections before getting a yes from a publisher.
The book sold 8 million copies printed in 39 languages.
What if they'd quit after 50 rejections?
19-year-old Rick Little created a high school program...
Teaching kids how to deal with feelings, conflict, and communication skills.
He wrote a proposal and approached 155 foundations about his idea.
They all said no, but he didn't give up on his vision.
Eventually, the Kellogg Foundation gave him $130,000.
That's almost $1,000 for each rejection he received!
Since then, Rick has raised $100 million to implement the Quest program for 30,000 schools.
He also received a grant for $65 million to create the International Youth Foundation.
It's the second-largest contribution given in U.S. history.
He knocked on over 12,500 doors to make his dream a reality.
"I take rejection as a bugle blowing in my ear to wake me up and get going." -Sylvester Stallone
When Alexander Graham Bell offered the rights to his telephone for $100,000 to Western Union,
They replied, "What use would our company have for this electrical toy?"
Stephen King threw his Carrie manuscript in the garbage...
He was tired of reading all the rejection letters.
Luckily, his wife fished it out of the trash and presented it to another publisher.
The book sold 4 million copies, and it created a blockbuster film.
To get what you want in life.
You must be persistent in asking for it.
If one person tells you no, ask someone else.
There are over 5 billion people in the world.
Someone, somewhere at the right time, will say yes.
Don't get stuck with fear or resentment.
Move on to the next person...
They're waiting to say Yes!
*For additional reading, go to
*Feeling discouraged? Let's talk.
*You can reach me at