The Power of Words: How They Can Make or Break Relationships
How I speak to and about you determines the quality of our relationship.
I can't honestly tell you the number of times I've said something that was really boneheaded.
When I look back at the situation, I say to myself,
"What were you thinking???"
And the issue is once the words leave my mouth,
I cannot un-ring the bell.
It's out there for the world to suffer through.
Fortunately, I've developed the ability over time to learn from my mistakes.
Most of us rarely stop and think about what we're saying.
Our thoughts, beliefs, and opinions roll off our tongues.
With no consideration of the potential damage to someone.
The good news is...with sensible effort,
We can master the impact of our words.
To speak with impeccability is to communicate from your highest self.
You express yourself with intention and integrity.
Remember...your words have power over yourself and others.
How I speak to and about you determines the quality of the relationship.
And what you say creates a ripple effect.
If I convey love and acceptance to a person,
They will most likely do the same with me.
When I judge others, I will receive judgment.
If I extend gratitude and appreciation to you,
There's a good chance I'll get the same sentiment from you.
Everything we say produces an effect on the world.
Always ask yourself,
Is what I'm about to say...
Going to inspire joy, encouragement, and love in someone?
P.S. For more reading and access to my podcast, go to:
Good reminder!