If you want to have a prosperous life…
You must eliminate all your excuses.
Most failures are from people who have a habit of making excuses.
If you want your dreams to become reality, you must develop "response-ability."
Here’s a formula to live by that I learned in Jack Canfield’s phenomenal book,
“The Success Principles”…
E + R = O
Event + Response = Outcome.
If you don’t like your outcomes in life, change your responses.
You cannot control most events, but you have command over your response to them.
There are ways you can influence your circumstances…
You can adjust your thoughts, habits, media, friends, speech, and lifestyle.
When you change your responses, your life improves.
Guys claim their wives provoke fights with them.
They’ll tell me, “She said disrespectful and sarcastic things to me!”
I’ll ask them, “How did you respond?”
“Let’s just say I said some unpleasant things to her!”
I’ll share the truth with them.
“You’re the one who started a fight… because you responded.”
Remember this…If there’s no response, there’s no argument.
Just walk away for a while…Don’t take the bait!
Everything you think, say and do must align with your integrity, values, and purpose.
Your thoughtful response to situations creates rewarding outcomes.
*For additional reading and access to the podcast, go to: